Our electrical safety publications


Establishing and maintaining electrical safety

Our book publicationCreatingandMaintaining anElectrical Safety Structure –Duties of Management and chief responsibleelectrical specialists” (ISBN: 9783943247091) – English version“Creating and Maintaining an Electrical Safety Structure – Duties of Management and chief responsible electrical specialists” (ISBN: 9783943247121) is available in bookstores in German and English since July 16, 2022.

About the content:
Worldwide, in addition to compliance with local regulations within the framework of international supply chain laws, structures of modern electrical safety must be created and demonstrated for electrical systems and equipment in order to survive on the international market. This book was written to describe both the management of electrical safety or the role of chief responsible electrical specialist with its various factors and implications, as well as to provide support in setting up an adequate structure without having to refer to individual standards or mostly purely national laws.

Also included are several templates for work practice in German and English. These are available to listeners password-protected on our site under Downloads.

Get the book at Book 7, Amazon, buecher.de or everywhere there are books (also available in your bookstore around the corner) Also available as English version.

Also available as an audiobook from September 2022 , wherever audiobooks are available.

Audio books

Chief responsible electrical specialist – The audiobook

Our audiobook publication “The chief responsible electrical specialist: CRES structure and operational electrical safety for entrepreneurs, specialists and managers”, available since February 2021 under ISBN 9783943247039, covers the most important topics of responsibility in electrical safety in 108 minutes. It is available for you on popular audio portals like Thalia (link), Audible (link), GooglePlay(link), Amazon ( link) or other platforms. Whether you’re on a long car trip or in the bathtub; whether you’re a manager, a specialist in occupational safety, or a trainee with ambitions – this audiobook was written for you. Included are also several templates for CRES working practice. These are available to listeners password-protected on our site under Downloads.

As a participant in our CRES training courses and day coaching sessions, you will receive the audio book and CRES work templates free of charge.

Get the audiobook at: Thalia, Audible, Amazon, GooglePlay, Weltbild, BookBeat, Rakuten kobo, spotify, iTunes
From now on also the script to it available, everywhere where there are books.

Technical knowledge electrical specialist – The audio book

Our audiobook publication “What every electrical specialist must know: Grundlagen der Fachkunde für Elektrotechniker, Elektriker und Elektroingenieure”, available since March 2022 under ISBN 9783943247053, covers in 126 minutes the most important topics every electrical specialist must know. It is available for you on popular audio portals like Thalia (link), Audible (link), GooglePlay(link), Amazon ( link) or other platforms. Whether on a long car ride or in the bathtub; whether as an electrician, AzuBi, electrical engineer or interested person with ambitions – this audiobook has been written for you.

Also get this audiobook at: Thalia, Audible, Amazon, GooglePlay, Weltbild, BookBeat, Rakuten kobo, spotify, iTunes.
Also available: the corresponding script printed and as ebook everywhere where books and ebooks are available (example – print version or ebook)

Responsibility in electrical safety – The audio book to the book

Our audiobook publication “Establishing and maintaining an electrical safety structure: Management and chief responsible electrical specialist in duty”, available since October 2022 under ISBN 9783943247114, deals in 273 minutes with the topic of the responsibility of electrical safety not only on a national but especially on an international not to say intercontinental level. It is available for you on popular audio portals like Thalia (link), GooglePlay (link), Amazon (link) or other platforms. Whether on a long car ride or in the bathtub; whether as an electrician, AzuBi, electrical engineer or interested person with ambitions – this audiobook has been written for you. Also included are several templates for work practice. These are available to listeners password-protected on our site under Downloads.
Click here for the English-language audiobook version(click).

Also get this audiobook at: Thalia, Amazon, spotify, Weltbild, BookBeat, Rakuten kobo, iTunes.
Also available: the corresponding book in print and as ebook everywhere where books and ebooks are available (example – print version or ebook)
Click here for the book in English(click).

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