Photovoltaic training – assembly, maintenance and servicing of PV systems

We offer the necessary qualifications for installation technicians and electrical specialists for the installation of photovoltaic systems – roof systems and outdoor systems (PV power plants).
Both individual training courses for small teams and entire plant qualification (development of a complete production workforce).

TCS doesn’t just provide support: we do it for you!

Electrotechnical qualification levels Photovoltaics

Electrical Specialist responsibility

Electrical lay person
Uses the energy or the installed systems (inverter, battery storage, using or feeding in energy from the PV system itself, etc.), but does not work on the photovoltaic components.

Electrotechnically instructed person (EuP)
Works exclusively under the direction and supervision of an electrical specialist in a voltage-free state on PV systems or carries out non-electrical work in the vicinity (safe distance) of active systems.

Electrical specialist for defined tasks (ESfdt)
Carry out standardized electrical engineering work independently, incl. Activate and put into operation. However, with the restriction: Only according to work instructions (checklist).

Electrical specialist (ES)
The electrical specialist carries out the necessary work independently, including Troubleshooting. Can and may also independently select suitable work equipment. Appropriate maintenance of professional competence must be ensured. The corresponding additional qualification is required for live line work.

Live line work (LLW) on photovoltaics
Additional qualification for ES and ESfdt for authorization to perform live line work, if required.
This is not uncommon with systems such as photovoltaics, as a PV system always supplies voltage under daily load.

Chief responsible electrical specialist (CRES)
The chief responsible electrical specialist assumes corporate responsibility for electrical safety. Depending on the responsibility, this may relate to the construction of a power plant or its operation.

Request your photovoltaic training or initial consultation for factory qualification now!

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    Photovoltaic training

    All persons working in photovoltaics, in particular during assembly, installation and operation, must be adequately qualified in accordance with DIN VDE 0105-100, DGUV Regulation 3.


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    Fragen zu einer Hochvolt-Schulung, Batterie-Qualifizierung, PV-Trainings, VDE/IEC-Kursen? Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter!
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